Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals

So you are implying the vast majority of Muslims are pro-ISIS? If so, that is not true in any sense of the word. The overwhelming majority despise ISIS and what they stand for. It would also help if the west can stop meddling in the Middle East first, the MAIN reason ISIS and its like are there in the first place!!

anti-ISIS McCarthyism

It's gone beyond that actually, 99% of the people who are dying and fighting ISIS in the middle are brave young Muslim men. In Libya alone, last year, more than a 1000 young men died fighting ISIS in Sirte and they successfully kicked them out.

People in the west think it's about the inferior brown people Muslim backward culture without reading the recent geopolitical and colonial history.

I also found on discusing these kind of issues, hate and disrespect is that starting point of many people and logic and real facts seem to not be of importance if it does not fit into some kind of bigoted or Islamophobic narrative. If you point out the brutal European colonial contribution to ongoing conflict, they say that was in the past and we have to think of now, yet the very same people love to talk about how Islam was spread by the sword 1400 years ago, as if Christianity was spread by flowers and cakes.

There is an inherent superiority complex among many westerner's, in Europe, and now sadly in the States, as if people in the west are the only humane people in the world and they have to deal with savagery of the 3rd world, with 99% of it being in the Arab or Muslim world.

I should not have to remind those same people of some of things done by and in the west:

1- Colonial period: Brutalized many parts of the world. Literally millions and millions brutally killed in Africa, Asia, the aboriginal populations of the new world, whole cultures wiped out.

2- Huge wars. WW2 alone killed over 70 million people. The poles who seem to have a bigoted view of Muslims seem to forget what happened to their jewish population under their watch and what happened to them by German and Russian occupation, yet we are lectured on backwardness. Let us not forget the Iraqi war, which by all accounts lead to the death of 100's of thousands of people and directly lead to extremism. Yet the Arabs are lectured to about humanity and backwardness and how Islam is so incompatible with development. At one time, Islam was inspiring enlightenment when at the same time the rest of the world was living in caves. It least it gave you guys soap to clean yourselves with.

3- Climate change: It's real guys and it will kill millions and guess where most of the smoke and pollution is coming from? Certainly not the Muslim world, nor is it a Muslim conspiracy.

The Muslim world has huge problems, but please do not lecture us and dehumanize muslims and make them targets for current or future Fascists. The problems have to defined within truthful and within the context of the geopolitical and historical reasons for this current mess.

Western populations have to educate themselves about the realties of the situation otherwise the problem will continue to escalate and there are people pushing for a huge war because that is their ideology,whether the christian or islamic extremist wing.

Western's have to tell their governments to stop meddling in the Arab world and to stop selling weapons, bombs and war machines. Imagine if people in the US and Europe had the force to stop the 2003 invasion. Imagine if they stopped the 1953 Iranian coup? Imagine if Reagan did not support Bin Laden and his people in 80's. Imagine if the US did not encourage or even discouraged Saudi in spreading their version of radicalism that has caused so much of what we are seeing now? Imagine if Libya was not destroyed by the ill thought out intervention which left the country as a failed state.

Regarding the Muslims living in the west, of course there will be problems, esp. with new people coming and in such numbers. In Europe, esp. 2nd or 3rd generation, esp. in France, the Algerians and Arabs are treated like shit. Try getting a job with a name like Ali, Fatimah or Mohamed. There are huge social and economic factors that play into why they didn't integrate, and religion is a minor part in this.

Do you think the west will learn? No, because your governments thrive on war and the misery of others. Iran will probably be next for an invasion. If that happens and you get 1000's of Iranian refugees, you will blame Muslim or persian culture for that instead of the real reasons!

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