Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals

the truth lays somewhere in the middle

You're completely right in that regard.

Let's extend that sentiment to the first part of your comment.

Muslims are not immigrating to the west to cast off the hajib, pray one a week if they feel like it, or put together an observational humour routine about prophet Mohammed. They're not fleeing Islam.

You are right. Most of them probably aren't. But what if they're fleeing a particular kind of Islam? What if they're fleeing their countries because they want to live in a society that would accommodate a more accepting and tolerant version of Islam which they would be persecuted for practicing in their land of origin? A form of Islam where you're not put to death for apostasy? Where you can live in peace with people who hold vastly different religious beliefs from you?

I'm not saying those people make up the majority of immigrants. I'm just saying those people exist.

Although I believe the concern most countries have with Muslim immigration is completely valid, people treat the populace of those countries as these monolithic entities which are, at best, polarized between crazy fundamentalist nuts on one end and traditional "good" Muslims who don't want to actively go out and kill people, but still think you should be shot for leaving Islam.

Like you said, the truth actually lies somewhere in the middle.

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