The most galaxy brain shit

I'll help you: "if someone believes something as extreme and contrary to human ethics as murder is justified under certain circumstances, the use of a racial slur would not matter as much because the person in question has such a warped sense of human ethics, their professed beliefs in a better quality of life for anyone are artificial at best."

i.e. a person with extreme beliefs in what is justified should not be surprised by relatively less extreme, but still unethical behavior I guess.

That's as close as I can manage and it still doesn't work for what she's saying because random internet blogs and tweets by stupid teenagers don't really count for what most feminist beliefs entail. The feminists I know, while they offer (reasonable) explanations for why women suffering from BPS resort to murdering their husbands, do not in any way condone it at all.

Furthermore, as everyone else pointed out, comparing murder onset by domestic abuse to yelling racial slurs while being frustrated by a game is just fucking stupid.

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