Most likely a pitbull... ladies and gentlemen, take your bets.

You missed the most important part of that paragraph you neckbead

Selective breeding has demonstrated that it is POSSIBLE to select for genes that lead to more aggressive behavior in animals. Selective breeding examples also allow researchers to understand the importance of developmental timing for genetic influences on aggressive behavior. 

Nit picking information without reading anything else is the sign of a stupid person ie you!

For those who want to actually underatamd how little we know about aggression and genetics as well as how it develops over time in the environment heres the other important parts.

Had you read the entire article you whoild have seen that we know so abolutly little that we are unable to determine if gemtics and aggression are linked. There is the possiblility however, A number of molecular genetics studies have focused on manipulating candidate aggression genes in mice and other animals to induce effects that can be possibly applied to humans. Most studies have focused on polymorphisms of serotoninreceptors, dopamine receptors, and neurotransmittermetabolizing enzymes.[1] Results of these studies have led to linkage analysis to map the serotonin-related genes and impulsive aggression, as well as dopamin-related genes and proactive aggression. In particular, the serotonin 5-HT seems to be an influence in inter-male aggression either directly or through other molecules that use the 5-HT pathway. 5-HT normally dampens aggression in animals and humans. Mice missing specific genes for 5-HT were observed to be more aggressive than normal mice and were more rapid and violent in their attacks.[12]Other studies have been focused on neurotransmitters. Studies of a mutation in the neurotransmitter metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) have been shown to cause a syndrome that includes violence and impulsivity in humans.[1] Studies of the molecular genetics pathways are leading to the production of pharmaceuticals to fix the pathway problems and hopefully show an observed change in aggressive behavior.[12]

Tldr. A poor chemical balance or missings genes or mutated neurotransmitters can all increase aggression. Thats does not mean we can breed it you fucking idiot.

Aggression, as well as other behavioral traits, is studied genetically based on its heritability through generations. Heritability models of aggression are mainly based on animals due to the ethical concern in using humans for genetic study. Animals are first selectively bred and then placed in a variety of environmental conditions, allowing researchers to examine the differences of selection in the aggression of animals.

Key words environmental conditions,

Heritability studies – studies focused to determine whether a trait, such as aggression, is heritable and how it is inherited from parent to offspring. These studies make use of genetic linkage maps to identify genes associated with certain behaviors such as aggression.

Mechanism experiments – studies to determine the biological mechanisms that lead certain genes to influence types of behavior like aggression.

Genetic behavior correlation studies – studies that use scientific data and attempt to correlate it with actual human behavior. Examples include twin studies and adoption studies.

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