Most memes don't translate to action because there's a lot of work for where to start. People want it easy. So here's easy for you. They even provide a script.

Downvote me to hell but this is one thing we never had a fight in. I do believe in democracy but not in this instance. This is big money and big business. The only way to have saved net neutrality was to get that asshole out of the FCC. This has already been downvoted and NN saved but they will keep hammering and hammering as telecom already bought and paid for this to pass. There is not one single positive argument for getting rid of net neutrality yet they are fighting hand and tooth. This shows how deep the swamp really is. I explained NN to my wife in about three sentences and she said who would want to get rid of that? No one (in the world). Except big business (and corrupt America) who have already bought and paid for this. And I've made my phone calls and sent my emails and letters as I am all for NN. I just don't see us winning with so much corruption, lies, and swamp creatures supporting it's demise.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link -