Most people against Christianity don’t actually know Christianity.

Oh, reading the other comments, I'm now realizing I gave you too much respect, which you don't afford the people you reply to, so let me be a bit more sassy here, you asked for a reason to not believe, since you don't wanna actually debate the statement of the post and would rather argue with other people's arguments... Hmmmm what is an argument that you can't bend your belief enough to misrepresent as uninformed? I don't think there is one, since the rules of Christianity are so unclear in the first place, it's impossible to make an argument against it, that's called unfalsifiability and it doesn't show that your belief is true, it shows that you're playing a board game with no rules and when someone tries to do something to win against you, you say that that's against the rules.

I'd probably say "God can't be omnipotent and at the same time give us free will, since in order for us to have free will, he can't know what we're gonna do before we do it, it should be up to us." To which you'd probably reply with some misrepresentation of free will or of god's nature that I can't be bothered to argue against

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