Most people live inside the white than the red

OOF 1. well, for my age I am not THAT overweight, I am only about 10 pounds heavier than most of the people I know. 2. I pretty much always have my light on 3. I rarely ever eat at the computer. 4. I think it is normal for 10 year olds like me to live with my mother. 5. I rarely ever have to have her do much for me, I spend a lot of my time on the computer, and its normally things that keep me in good health at other times 6. as I said, I am 10, not a "grown man" 7. I actually play ROBLOX much more than looking at reddit. 8. Well, she actually seems to be okay with what I do right now, I am not even really at the age where I know what I want to be next, but I am trying Youtube early. 9. I rarely use the joke anymore, I still just find a slight sense of humor in it. I was afraid someone would attack me pointlessly like you just have. 10. Are you serious? If that is all I said I wouldn't have any friends. But I am a bit of a bad socializer so I only have like 10 friends. 11. Sweden is just Sweden, there is no "eastern sweden" 12. "A sad little man" I mean yea I have mood swings to sad sometimes, and I am just a little KID. 13. I already said, I have lights on in my room when I am in there, I am not in the dark. 14. That was literally my first comment mentioning Finland in the entirety of Reddit.

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