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It's all about framing.

Huh. Framing. Right there in the fourth word of my post. The whole point of the entire first sentence was to introduce the point of my entire post: framing.

1. the act, process, or manner of constructing anything.
2. the act of providing with a frame.
3. a frame or a system of frames; framework.

Framing, the act of constructing a thing (a framework) around something else. So, at what other point in my post did I indicate that I was commenting on beliefs about the Civil War, rather than the history of the Civil War?

I grew up in the south (in Alabama, to be exact), and the narrative of the Civil War is that it wasn't about slavery.

Oh lawdy, I do declare that was the very next sentence. Having introduced the thesis of my post twice in the first two sentences, I didn't think it was necessary to begin every single sentence that followed with "In the popular imagination reigning in the south today..." &c.

Huh. That whole bit where you said "there is some justice in that one" sure makes it look like you're saying that there's some justice to that narrative. Your claim that you didn't mean "there is some justice in that one" when you wrote "there is some justice in that one" is interesting, but ultimately not very compelling.

"There is some justice in that one" is an interesting phrase for you to latch onto. It's almost entirely a diminution of the idea that the North was strangling the Southern economy: "SOME justice", as in a little bit or arguably. The rest of "there is some justice in that one" points out that I consider that the ONLY ONE of those framings with even the slightest hint of justification. "In that one" is a pretty exclusive clause.

Would you like to try another tack in making me say what you want me to say rather than what I said?

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