The Most Powerful Plant on Earth? (2017) - "What if there was a plant that had over 60 thousand industrial uses, could heal deadly diseases and help save endangered species threatened by deforestation? Meet Cannabis."

There are people with a lot of karma on Reddit, there's private subs for people with a lot of karma, etc. It's a silly game. Sometimes they get known on here by making the front page and the like so often, get cocky, and often wind up banned for some rule break, shenanigans, spamming, etc. Anyone remember Unidan? Like that. Well once you understand Reddit, you can gain karma on multiple accounts pretty easy. So, you have alternate accounts or 'alts'. If your main acct gets zapped by the admins, or banned from key subs, etc, you start up on the alt. So they slowly work alts up in karma, and sometimes use alts to push their pet agenda to the front page repeatedly to bring awareness.

There are other reasons for dead accts that rarely post of course, but that's a good portion of what is described here. There are many bot-farmed accounts on Reddit that post and do activity too, but not with rare posts that are timed and designed to blow up, that actually do blow up, with little else in the post history. You have to know a few things to blow up to the front page.

This seems too long now...

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