Most religious areas in Turkey

Going to the mosque to pray doesn't make you religious. This is a standard act of worship.

Going to Friday prayer doesn't make you religious. This is a standard act of worship.

Praying Five times a day doesn't make you religious. This is a standard act of worship.

Fasting doesn't make you religious. This is standard act of worship.

Reading the Quran doesn't make you religious. This is standard act of worship.

You are expected to go to the mosque and pray, You are expected to fast, give charity, go to Friday prayer, read the Quran. This doesn't make you religious, this is the standard but sadly this is what people think counts as "religious" this day and age.

The term "Religious" is used lightly and it shouldn't be.

A person who is considered to be "religious" is a person who puts Allah SWT first in all his or her affairs in this world. How they speak, How they Act, How the think and how they impact everyone. Conscious of Allah SWT in all matters, this is a religious person. That was our Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him, If you try to be like him then you are considered religious.


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