Most of these people at Davos are filthy rich from rapping the world of it's natural resources but expect us to sacrifice everything.

This is a screenshot to a article written by someone that basically drew his opinion from several articles written on the website would economic forum. For instance the sewage water opinion is from a article from bill gates talking about a new toilet, and the weeds is a article about some weeds have a good nutrition value and also insects are already eaten in some countries. The article written was opinion in a way that led you to believe this is what they have planned but it doesn't necessarily read on the website like this it's kinda scattered. Although if you're interested in what they're up to I encourage you to go to their website and draw your own opinion it's some sketchy stuff going on there. They have a article about wanting to stop eating beef and everyone to eat meat grown in a lab artificially. They say cows requires pastures, space that trees could be growing and they emit methane gasses which is said to be harsh on the ozone layer.

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