Most underrated and overrated authors/titles

I typed a long response to your last message that you deleted. Don't want to go through all that work and then not post it, so here's my reply:

Look dude, I have no personal attachment or motivation to defend Stephen King. I haven't read very many Stephen King novels myself, but the ones I have, do not represent a lack of literary worth or value as you claimed imo.

Like I said, go read The Shining and see if you stand by that claim.

Even if I agreed with you that Stephen King was overrated, the way that you word your criticism is very smug and comes across just like people who are wine snobs or art snobs. It's cringe worthy and deserves to be called out and mocked imo.

You are making the claim that Stephen King is overrated because people consider him to be some great literary and philosophical genius and are comparing his works with other completely non-related literary works. Who has done this? All of the people who I've read reviewing Stephen Kings books or even Stephen King in general are doing so within the context of the horror/sci-fi entertainment genre.

I'm not a teenager. I may be straightforward and come across as an ass, but I can't stand smugness, and call it out when I see it. I apologize if I've offended you.

You claim that you get called pretentious often and that people online or on this sub criticize high-brow literature. Have you considered, that perhaps, it's not the high-brow literature that people take issue with, but the intellectual/cultural superiority that some people radiate in regards to that type of literature.

I personally enjoy a wide variety of genres and authors and think there is indeed value in reading diverse literature. However, to down talk non-high brow books on the subreddit for books is just ridiculous. I think you're not recognizing the implications and perceptions you give off. "If anything, he's more ambitious with his prose than his talent calls for." There are many ways to convey that thought without coming across so pretentiously.

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