The most wholesome swimming instructor

Thanks for reposting my comment! I am overwhelmed by all the stories and comments. You're all amazing people and deserved better. I've read all the stories posted and so many brought tears to my eyes. If only I had a time machine...

If your an adult and interested in learning to swim the Red Cross is a good resource for certified courses near you. Although I think they are only listing online classes right now, which isn't very helpful. You can Google swim classes in your area, but ask questions: *are the instructors WSI, CPR, and Lifeguard certified? *do they have experience with adults? *will you have a quiet private time (so you can learn without pressure or additional stress) or will you have to swim next to a kid in a swim diaper? *what if you aren't happy with your instructor? Can you switch or cancel without additional charges? *and make sure you're honest about any fears/ history you may have. If you can fill in your instructor on your background it helps them adjust their approach. *be honest if they are pushing you or causing any stress.

One question I have though: why does everyone think I'm a guy?!? My husband and I have been laughing about that.

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