Mother is concerned for her baby while living with a pit

JFC the more time I spend on this sub, the more I think the only plausible get rich quick scheme in human history is the people exploiting pitnutters' abject ignorance. I could tell this guy "yeah, just give me 4k and I'll do intensive training with your dog for a month" and then just board the dog and bring it back to him a month later and pocket the 4k. If there's no change before/after real intensive training, how the fuck is he gonna know the difference? He's just gonna throw the money away anyway, why let these unethical pitbull trainers get all the exploitation money?

There are pitmommies and daddies paying for some guy's kids' college by spending tens of thousands of dollars on fake "service animal certificates" that mean absolutely nothing. Some guy put an embossed seal on a piece of paper and nutters can't tell the difference between that and a legal document. They just want something they can show to the manager at Lowe's or whatever as they're getting kicked out; mine wouldn't be any less "real" than what they're buying now.

You could spend like $20 on some of those Chinese-made steel crates they lock their shitbeasts in to keep them from destroying their house, paint some "pitbull cage" branding on there and sell them for $500.

The possibilities are endless. Why do these unethical creeps get a monopoly on taking money from stupid shitbull owners? "No, this isn't a regular leash, this is a... pitbull leash. Yeah... that's it... These are much better and made specifically for pitbulls. That'll be $200, please." Its like printing money.

/r/BanPitBulls Thread Link -