Mother couldn’t control her 5yr old sitting next to me for 3+ hrs on the flight.

You’re an awful person, and someone should tell you that. If you want to do a specific thing during a flight pick a row where kids aren’t allowed, like the emergency exit, or pay for first class. Don’t sit in the back with the people, and then complain that there are people. You don’t live in a bubble where everyone should conform to you. You can ask the mom to switch, but you were terrible, I wouldn’t she switched you. You just passive aggressively shoot the lady dirty looks? You wanted to snatch an iPad from a kid? You’re this annoyed about kids living in the world around you? Grow up. Talk to the kid, be sweet. Offer to distract him, or tell him something cool. Then tell him you know he’s such a good boy and we should all try and see how high we can count with our eyes clothes. Yes I’ve been on a plane next to a kid like this, this is exactly what I did. You’re entitled and awful, stop it, it’s not cute.

/r/delta Thread