Mother/Daughter Realtalk Part One

When did story content stop? When it started with story stuff I thought, cool, story to explain how they got there. But no, it was a lot of story for a lot of the time. Most of the time there wasn't story was when streamers weren't available or things were still being developed from what we understood. I didn't hear complaining on days when everyone was on and there wasn't story, I only hear complaining when the streamers straight up ignore the story in order to do something they prefer doing. Back before there was heavy story, everyone was happy with them just messing around. Now that there is story, it's too late to just stop the story. in2deep4viewers. I'm annoyed by it, and I understand that there's a sense of feeling stuck. Jordan thought the lunch was cringe-worthy which is why he wasn't into it which made for awkward content on his part, and I don't see why that's any better than doing something he'd actually want to do, be it grind with his reactor or what. Story stuff is fun sometimes, I just hate the NPCs dictating their actions so often, or the streamers feeling obligated to since the viewers want to see the storyline. If story stuff never started, there wouldn't be as many people mad as there are people mad over them ignoring the story when it happens and doesn't even involve them. If he really wanted to blatantly ignore 70% of his viewers, then yeah, he could've went back to working on what he planned on doing. And if the lunch was never proposed by Martha, the thousands of votes would've went to something else (I think it was by Martha, either her or Ianite, I wasn't looking until he posted the strawpoll so I missed some chat but I still heard what he was saying). Either way, they can't stop the story if they wanted to because people would be annoyed, but if the story never started or got this heavy, I think things would be much more enjoyable for everyone.

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