Mother and Father

because its a different culture.

Well it's also important that the different culture is from a far-away "exotic" place and ideally the primary members of the culture tend to be brown. Then upper middle class white people will chide you if you disrespect their culture...

If a bunch of poor white people do it then the technical term for it is trashy.

So if a woman from an Arab country with Muslim beliefs is encouraged to cover her body because of social pressure to hide and be ashamed of her sexuality it's just "culture".

However if a white woman from a low income community is encouraged wear a low cut shirt and short shirts to focus her identity on her body and sexuality she needs to stop being so "trashy".

This works for tons of different contexts. If a dirt poor peasant with no education in Afghanistan is interviewed in the news his opinion is a valid one from an underrepresented minority (even if he's not a minority in the country the reporting is happening in).

However if a dirt poor person from the rust belt with no education is interviewed he is just a trashy idiot who should become educated and shut his ignorant mouth.

One more: the religious beliefs of impoverished people living in the woods of some far away region in Asia who reject modern medicine are beliefs full of mystical truths from a people who are more in touch with the land and nature than us confused moderns.

The religious beliefs of some poor white person living in the woods of Alabama are the beliefs of some backwoods moron who needs to be educated so he can understand that science is real.

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