A mother yelled at her child (probably 2 years old) for saying hi to me because I was a stranger, then glared at me for saying hello back. Any other overbearing parents in public stories out there?

I was shopping for clothes as I walked past a mother and her daughter. As I passed, the little girl said hi and waved at me. Being a decent person, I said hello back, smiled and waved. The mother began berating her child for talking to a stranger and gave me the stink eye for several minutes after the dreaded hello. A few minutes more go by, and I notice her pointing me out to her husband. To his credit, he seemed annoyed by her. Even later in the ridiculous series of events, she seemed to be following me around as I looked at suits, ties, and other professional-type clothing items. I'm a 31 year old male, and I would wager all of my meager teacher's salary that if I was female, the mom wouldn't have cared at all. So reddit, any other examples of over protective parents? TL;DR - psycho mom doesn't like people saying hello EDIT: Crap full of holes, I leave to play with my son for a while, and I return to my first front page post! Thank you redditors and overbearing mom for inspiring me. EDIT 2: If FP wasn't enough to make this a good day, Mr. S_Watercolour himself has seen fit to immortalize this thread not once, but twice. My thanks to you, good sir, for your efforts on this fine day. I'm not sure how to link comments / images, or I would.

/r/AskReddit Thread