Mothers who regret having children, what made you realize it? And how are you coping?

5 kids ranging from 16 to 2. I didn't want kids, got knocked up at 24 by my ex-husband and kept her. Couldn't part with her, she can't stand me now (and neither can my 14 yr old daughter). Figured all of my kids would hate me in their teens (we have 4 girls).

Hoping they come back to loving me again, because I gave up my entire fucking lives for them. Seriously, and while people are tired of hearing moms say's fucking true. We give up our entire being for decades for our kids. I quit my job, dealt with getting cheated on while pregnant, lost my house, etc. Even now, I put my own stuff on "hold" so we can get them something new/fancy instead. I still put myself last, even after all of these years.

My husband does more of the household stuff. I don't cook, I clean every morning from 5am-7am, before I go downstairs to work in my office for about 7 hours. I still handle all appointments, scheduling, school shit, activities, etc. He cooks, cleans, drives them places, and helps wherever he can. He's a damn good parent, really. I'm just tired, is all.

How do I cope? I am usually high as fuck (vape pen) after dinner, which makes dealing with the bullshit much easier. I also force snuggle my kids, and make them cuddle me (they love it and eventually fall asleep next to me). It makes up for a lot of crap when you get them snugs in.

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