Motivation is ableist

Yes, of course, and although it's comforting when I have empathetic friends, it's also equally pleasant that people don't censor themselves around me, even when I'm very open about my depression, I don't want people to think "oh man, I guess I shouldn't tell him about how productive I was yesterday and how good I feel". For one thing, that is a ridiculous expectation, and secondly, I've been productive plenty of times in my life, it's not like I can't relate to someone who leads a busy life (plus I'm sure they've got a crock of shit in their life that they deal with at times).

I get stuck in a rut from time to time and just feel overwhelmed and incapable. But most days I just go about my business. I usually know when I'm being lazy because when I'm being lazy, I don't feel overwhelmed by the idea of doing a bunch of productive things, I'm just simply blowing things off.

Most days, I'm gonna do the same old stuff, feed myself, go for a run, play music, do my studies, etc. When you can't motivate yourself to do the things that are generally a basic part of your day, that's when it's easy to tell depression is at play. Often I function normally, but when I get stuck in a rut, I usually have to work my way back to normal functioning or else I just get overwhelmed, whereas for a lot of people if they have an unproductive day, they shrug it off and it doesn't alter their ability to function the next day.

I know a woman who has gone through pretty serious bouts where having a shower and getting dressed was her baseline that she slowly worked her way back up from. So, you know, it's different for different people, and I can't speak for all people with depression, but I can say that you probably encounter depressed people every day or almost every day of your life, and most of the time they are functioning normally.

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