Mountian out of mole hill?

I'm making some changes i my life. I signed up to play contact sports again. This will help me feel like a man again. To be successful at this I need to focus more on my fitness. I am going to avoid dealing with the wife by spending more time at the gym. I am hopeful to work out so hard that sex is not on my mind at all. I am going to go the next 60 days with out sex. I don't want to have sex with someone that is doing it as an obligation. I want to have sex with someone that enjoys me and my body. I am also planning on cooking all my own meals so I can become less dependent on her and focus on my fitness. I'm thinking about being more independent and taking my own clothes to the dry cleaner. What is sad is I don't even want to fix this any more. I just want to move on with my life. I am okay being friends with her. In the bedroom i don't want to spend any more time trying to fix it.

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