Mouse following the focused window?


put this in i3config, instead of standard movement keys.

bindsym $mod+h exec "~/.config/i3/ focus left"
bindsym $mod+j exec "~/.config/i3/ focus down"
bindsym $mod+k exec "~/.config/i3/ focus up"
bindsym $mod+l exec "~/.config/i3/ focus right"

put this in ~/.config/i3/

eval i3-msg $*
HERE=\xdotool getwindowfocus` ULX=`xwininfo -id $HERE | grep " Absolute upper-left X:" | awk '{print $4}'` ULY=`xwininfo -id $HERE | grep " Absolute upper-left Y:" | awk '{print $4}'` if [ $ULX != "-1" -o $ULY != "-1" ]; then eval `xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $HERE` NX=`expr $WIDTH / 2` NY=`expr $HEIGHT / 2` xdotool mousemove --window $WINDOW $NX $NY fi`

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