I moved back to my home country (thrid world) and it feels good

Cost of living and salaries. And yes, I know this is a problem everywhere, but here a normal person earns around 400-500 euros. Rent for a studio apartment is 200-250€. Add another 100-150€ for things like electricity, heat, water etc. Food costs almost the same as in Germany, some things like meat are cheaper here but not by much.

A lot of services and products like phone bill and clothes are converted from Euro to our currency, so if a t-shirt costs 20€ in Germany, we also pay 20€ but converted to our currency, and it’s really expensive. Most of the time we end up paying the same prices like someone in the west but on 5x lower salaries. Not to mention how prices keep raising every month..

And I already live in a nice “developed” city, there isn’t any other better option left for me in this country

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