I moved to the Netherlands this week. I’m looking forward to sketching this beautiful country!

I don't think we are superficial and backstabbing people, sure there are always bad people everywhere but not more than any other place :)

But we can be very direct, which some people can experience as us being rude, especially if you are not used to it. Like, there is no sugarcoating things, we just say what we think, straight to the point.

I like it, because you never have to think "do they really like this or are they just pretending to be nice". No, if they don't like something they will just tell you. You don't need to find what is underneath.

That being said, this a generalisation of a whole country, so not everyone is this direct and you'll meet very different people. But when you do encounter this directness, just keep in mind it is most likely not meant to be rude :)

/r/thenetherlands Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it