A Movement to Push Police out of Schools is Growing Nationwide. Here is why.

I'm guessing you didn't go to a school that was plagued by gang violence. No worries though bc after the first couple stabbings and group beat downs you witness your pretty much desensitized. Nevermind the grown men getting caught talking to children inside of the school that was like an airport entering to try and stop weapons from getting in. How about the fact that the fire alarms were getting pulled every period and 4k+ staff and stydents had to be rescanned(only 2 machines) to enter the building and that took hours. All that bs and all we had was security guards with mag lights as peace keeping weapons. Luckily after 2 years the had cleared out the school of nonsense and there was some sort of civility while just trying to learn. A kid who slashes another persons face for reputation gain(very common especially in NYC 2005) will get zero sympathy from me except this simple advice for where they are going. Booty bandits, Booty bandits everywhere.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - cnn.com