MPs plan to build themselves a palace. Have they lost all contact with reality?

Oddest of all is the process of this decision. It is clear that Westminster’s inhabitants have lost all sense of guidance or leadership. They appear to be in the hands of a cabal of MPs headed by Leadsom, and the Speaker, John Bercow. As at all such points in these mega-projects, the decision tends to be hijacked by consultants, with a vested interest in their original plan, egged on to extravagance by their Whitehall comrades-in-arms, the security lobby.


This project is a major state commission. Yet there has been no revelation of any competition, which is surely irregular. The design is rumoured to have been repeatedly changed, as MPs fastidiously demand identical facilities to those at Westminster – green benches, voting lobbies and all. They regard it as anathema to grasp this rare opportunity to experiment with new voting systems or a less confrontational layout, such as a semi-circular chamber. The old palace was designed in 1836 by Sir Charles Barry to look like a cosy West End club. So it apparently must be, for ever.

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