Mr Beast was giving away $10k to whatever reply got the most likes. Corpse Husband narrowly beat out a BTS stan account for the $10k (which he is giving to charity). Needless to say, this stan didn't take it too well and tried to accuse corpse of lesbophobia.

Ok I went to go look up this shit and apparently they rly tried to take him down cause he read the D slur in a story about a fan or something? So he wasn’t even calling anyone the d slur he was reading a story that contained the fucking word??? I—-

I saw a very similar incident where some clown tried to cancel that native girl who famously said “fuck Christopher Columbus” because she supposedly uses the n word and is transphobic.

The n word usage was in regards to her describing what she’s been called by racist assholes, cause they use that word against other minorities as well. And there was NO evidence of her being transphobic....just some screenshot where someone said she got mad at a person who happened to be trans or something like that???

I just—why are they so up their own asses? can ppl be this thin skinned???? CONTEXT clearly matters here but nope. Guy says it once and he’s the fucking Antichrist

I wanna leave twitter so goddamn bad....ironically I loved tumblr, but definitely not for the reasons that this subreddit is entirely based on

I thought boomers were the worst generation but these smoothbrained zoomers are a CLOSE fucking second.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link -