MRW, after several very frustrating arguments about inequality and sexism, my bf sends me an article about gender bias in STEM (my field), asks for my thoughts on it, and we have a really great discussion!

Are you me?! When my husband and I first started dating we had several similar arguments. Once, early on in our relationship, he said to me, "no offense, but you kind of sound like a...feminist."

LOL no shit. Boy do I have some news for you...

But he was raised in a very "traditional" religious family. He stopped buying into their religion shortly after moving out at 18, but some of their "values" lingered with him into adulthood.

But he's also a good listener and after a few discussions I feel like he has really reevaluated his viewpoints after hearing my perspective. Like the first time he brought me home to meet his family, afterwards he said to me, "I never realized that my dad and my brother just sit around after meals and let my mom do all the work." Now he and I both help his mom with the dishes when we come to visit. And we split all of our own housework equally.

Kind of related to this, we started watching The Handmaid's Tale together recently, and he's kind of obsessed with it now. It's actually kind of adorable, I thought he was just watching it with me to be supportive, but now he likes it more than I do! He makes references to it all the time, and he keeps telling people that they should watch it.

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