mrw Donald Trump is making me sad, but I still love this great country

I just want to point out yours, and t_d's hypocrisies... You love America. Nationalism is so cool, right? But the quote that's right on the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of freedom, states:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

You guys sure love America until it doesn't fit your agenda.

It's easy to say "it's so hard to vet these people!" When you aren't the one actually doing it. There are plenty of agencies and policies that are in place to take care of homeland terrorism.

Did you ever think those people are trying to get away from that country because of the radicals? So instead of helping these people, we treat them like enemies? How does that help at all?

If anything, it will prolong our war on terror because these people will stop seeing America as what it once was (you know, a bastion of freedom) and start seeing it as an enemy. A country so full of hatred we can't even let in those we should be taking care of? Or wanting to build a pointless wall with our ally and threaten them to pay for it?

Fuck, have a little bit of empathy. It'd honestly make "America great again" if everyone had an ounce of it.

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