MRW the guy I was dating and his mother told me they decided I was too pretty to be a doctor and that I should just go to PA school instead of med school.

This is such a frustrating thought that happens far too often on Trollx, where we are so quick test say cut contact due to a relative, friend, or lover having some shitty not thought out view. His view is stupid, and sexist yes, but you really think telling somebody to breakup with somebody because of, what we have no reason to think was not, a one time comment, that while harmful at large, does not at all paint a picture of the person. Like, good people, good husband's, good fathers, good mother's sisters and brothers can have some shitty views that do not mesh with ours, but that doesn't somehow mean they aren't worth knowing, or even loving.

I know we like to go for hyperbole here, but this just seems incredibly condescending and self righteous, and it is just incredibly frustrating to see every single time somebody posts anything related to somebody doing something stupid or bigoted. Yes, we dont have to, and shouldn't tolerate bigotry, but people are more than just their bigoted views, and people can and do change for the better.

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