MRW I find out that 50% of babies were born out of wedlock in 2013

Then again, the idea that a baby born out of wedlock is instant abortion fodder is kind of an antiquated view all its own.

I agree with you though, I think birth control and contraception should be as easy to get as possible. Getting some people to use it right now would still be hard to do, especially as long as some young women have the idea that getting a baby out of someone is a way to hitchhike on him financially for eighteen years (it's a dark idea, and it sounds derogatory to women, but it's an unhappy truth).

Elon Musk was on the front page yesterday talking about universal basic income, and I think this is yet another problem that that would help to address. It's hard to overstate the level of trepidation that a lot of young people have about financial security these days (even as the US can magically lose 200 billion dollars for telecommunications infrastructure.......).

Removing financial incentives for unwed birth and making birth control free and easy to obtain might improve life for everyone in the long run, I think.

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