MRW people I know tell me "planned Parenthood should be shut down because of all the... you know"

10 years of catholic school has prepared me for this reply, let me get into anti-choice character: so basically, abortions are a huge violation of human life. The notion that PP sells terminated pregnancies, even though it's to cover costs and not for profit, even though it has research value, even though it's better than incinerating them as waste, is diabolical. It's solid evidence that these abortion providers don't care about humans: they kill humans, and now they sell them for parts too. The embryo didn't consent to an abortion and didn't consent to having its body donated to science.

Using the pregnancy remnants for research isn't okay because it legitimizes the method in which they were obtained. Nazi human experiments provided data that helps us better understand human physiology, and the data itself is just data with no moral value to it. But because of the atrocious human rights violations in these experiments, nobody dares to cite them or publish them because doing so would suggest that the research is somehow legitimate, or that its scientific value could ever outweigh is reprehensible moral background. In the same way, doing research on a discarded fetus may help us scientifically, but that would legitimize the murder that went into this research.

Disclaimer: I don't agree with any of what I wrote, and I feel dirty comparing abortion to Nazi experimentation. I am only doing it to offer insight into an anti-choicer's logic. I am a pro-life to pro-choice convert, and I feel like I have some insight on the beliefs each movement firmly attaches to. We can only change people's minds if we understand where their reasoning is coming from, what their strong-held beliefs are, where misunderstandings lie, etc. Ugh, I probably might delete this later

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