MRW I spend too much time on Reddit

When did I say that?

That's your implication when you downplay racism when it's not explicit. Inplicit bias and profiling can be just as deadly.

Yes...that is the point. These two studies are too small to generalize an entire generation.

You mean the three different stats I linked about measuring generational outlooks on race in multiple ways? It's certainly a better case than I see otherwise. Oh yeah, and reddit.

Millennials are early 80s to late 90s, meaning they would be between 0-20 during these studies.

But they're not children; cognitive biases at that age can manifest in everything from voting to workplace duscrimination. That's not so innocent.

What else could this mean? "As people age, social identity theory would predict that they will likewise develop more positive attitudes towards the group (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), a finding that is strongly supported by the accumulated research". The source is here

It was children who took these tests. Two of the major age groups were 0-10 and and 10-20. 10-20(early Millennials) were "less" racist than the 0-10(late Millennials)

You're conflating two seperate things; the generational comparison of millenials (late) to previous generations. If by the time you're old enough to vote, work, socialize, etc you're still as racially biased as your parents, then that shows your generation isn't really better at handling racism, just that you're less racist than when you were pre-pubescent/barely post-pubescent.

Nope, it most certainly does not. I was using it to show one of the many examples of racism being less prevalent in the IAT tests.

The one example, actually, and for which you can show very clear racism in other aspects.

No, but to make the claim that were are requires concrete evidence. Which there is not. I would love to be able to say that we are more or less racist, but actually doing research leads to the conclusion that we honestly don't know right now.

You're right, I can't say that we are "less" racist. And you can't say that we are "just as" racist.

I can when there's more evidence to show stagnant attitudes than improved ones. As far as "concrete evidence/irrefutable proof", this isn't, sure. But blacks can't wait for you to be convinced that there's a problem to experience the outcomes. Which is why whites are more convinced than blacks that we're less racist.

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