MRW I spend too much time on Reddit

You're lumping together the acknowledgment that there are racial divides/disparities, and racism itself. Many people realize the former, fewer will admit to the latter.

People accept the existence of institutional racism, but not racism itself? What could you posdibly be basing thst on?

The distinction means we can say they are being biased without calling them racists. Labeling someone a racist has many more implications.

"Biased against black people" will be taken as "racist" either way; that's barely dressing it up.

It's almost impossible to accuse them of explicit racism.

So either way, it does no good to try and get them to admit to a problem. Hence why it is pointless.

What? How do you interpret "However; implicit racism is certainly prevalent" to mean that i'm defending their integrity?

By deflecting off a point about the institution they voluntarily take part in being biased.

Bigot implies that you are willfully ignorant or dismissive of others opinions. Being implicitly racist refers specifically to unconscious biases.

You can very much be a bigot and not realize it or acknowledge it; this site alone is a plethora of examples.

Stepping around that won't make a difference. I'm not stepping around anything. Bigotry and implicit racism are entirely different concepts. Accusing people of being outright racists is irresponsible and unproductive

Telling people they have biases and hangups towards other races and explaining how is equally unproductive and irresponsible (in the sense of effort vs gain). Avoiding calling them what they are is coddling a viewpoint that doesn't deserve it.

For the record: None of what I'm saying is all that controversial. Implicit vs explicit racism is covered on the first day of almost any ethnic studies class.

You should have stayed for day two onward.

The fact that you're accusing me of trying to use the distinction to rationalize racism tells me this is going way over your head.

The fact that you think tone policing is more important than acknowledging discrimination tells me it's not even in your head. You can not fathom honesty or empathy on a basic level.

As for calling me a bigot, I'm not the one downvoting the other person because I disagree with them. I suggest looking up the definition of the word before you go around accusing people of being a bigot.

I have not been downvoting you; I did the other perdon because they weren't cobtributing, albeit you aren't really either. Pulling the old "bigotry against bigots makes you a bigot" crap doesn't work, sorry. Get a new playbook, that one is overused.

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