MRW The Supreme Court inevitably shuts down ballot counting in a swing state and gives the election to Trump.

this should be a slam dunk for biden, just as 2016 should have been a slam dunk for hillary

The fact that it was so close in 2016, and may or may not be so close again this year, should show the Democrats that they pick horrible candidates to run for their party. Yes, they won the popular vote... barely. Hillary was off-putting enough to lose a small chunk of votes causing it to be a closer race than it should have been. Biden stammers through his speeches and leaves people genuinely curious if he's all there mentally afterwards, which would cause him to lose some undecided supporters. Not necessarily making the individual vote for Trump, but leaving them completely undecided and potentially not voting at all.

I can't vote in this country, but I've been here long enough to observe the way people think about these candidates year after year. It's not a "slam dunk" just because you think it's the right decision.

You should stop slam dunking your return key, you only need one line break after a period not two.

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