MRW I switched bodies with a body builder, and I am now realizing what happened.

You don't think that people can both work hard and use steroids, that it has to be one or the other. World's Strongest Man isn't tested by design, it's an attempt to level the playing field so no one person can slip by the tests and cheat where others can't, so they all use PEDs, the reason they are the elite of this group of PED users is because they have great genetics and also train the hardest/wisest, but for some reason you feel that since they use PEDs that they then don't train hard. Phil Heath is the best bodybuilder because he has the best genetics and trains and diets in a smart manner, yes steroids were required for him to reach this point, but they were also required for everyone else in the pro Bodybuilding scene, so you feel that he must not train or diet because he uses PEDs, but no he does both of those damn well and that's why he's not just any other pro, he's the best pro. They use steroids and other PEDs as a tool, a tool that takes then to the next level, not guarantees their success in it. Just because you're a natural athlete doesn't mean everyone who isn't is so lazy POS who doesn't train as hard as you. And please, since you have some all knowing wisdom because your "10 years training" and your massive cock lay out your training routine for me. I'm a Kinesiology Exercise and Movement Science major and I plan to pick a whole in ever single flaw in your story. As a natural lifter training, or at least lifting, past that 1.5 to 2 hour mark is excessive and detrimental, you'll do more harm then good. So I've already got my finger on the trigger of my "Bullshit gun" tell me yoyr program and diet so I can pull it.

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