MRW a wizard has turned me into a crab, but I still have to save my mom from the assassin trying to poison her.

To make you feel better, at this point in time, none of the lifes of the animals we consume have any meaning, other than that they provide us with nutrients (and their respective role in the ecosystem).

You may feel empathy because you anthropomorphize them, even though many animals can't feel complex emotions, especially the more primitive ones like fish.

There's also no reason to assume that the life experience (whatever that means, most likely nothing) would be better if they wouldn't suffer, there is equally no reason to assume that nonexistence is better than a life of suffering. To elaborate, were we not to consume the meat of e.g. cows, we would not breed them, as there wouldn't be any reason to, thus livestock would vanish. Further, if the experience of pain would be deemed to be of any relevance to the "life experience" of an animal, we might just artificially modify the DNA of cows to disable the pain reception in the brain, or by extension any form of consciousness altogether, thereby creating 'zombie-cows' that would be perfectly karma-free to eat. From the perspective of the animal this scenario would be effectively the same as nonexistence.

So effectively due to the fact that you consume meat, you allow for the existence of the animal and provide meaning to it.

But none of that matters anyways, and sooner or later livestock will vanish anyways, not because of ethical reasons, but because we will develop cheaper, healthier, and more efficient food supplements which will adapt to increasing urbanization and population growth.

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