Ms. Marvel is easily my favorite Marvel TV show so far

Easily the most "Disney" of the Marvel shows. Everyone in the show is hyper gifted, socially special (or plain and simple a horrible stereotype), and both dresses and changes outfits on a dime. It feels gratuitous at best, and lazy writing at worst.

The early episodes had so much plot less story bloat, notably a lot being attached to the cousin and her campaign at the local mosque, and the "hot new kid" and the screen time devoted to slow motion shots of him. The only time I felt interested or like the bloat could actually be tied to character development was between Kamala and Matt. A lot of episodes are 90% Disney filler and fluff with 10% plot and action bits at the end.

Compared to the previous Marvel series, which I think the Hawkeye one is best compared to this one: Ms Marvel just feels like it doesn't know whether to be Disney, Marvel, child friendly, or action packed.

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