MtFs: What things have you found out about being a girl and about passing?

With regards to your post and the one above, it's all heavily ymmv. Everyone's human, and regardless of gender some people are douchebags and some are lifetime friends. Trying to push bullshit like "mansplaining" to encompass a whole based on gender just does more harm than good to the movement. Stop treating people primarily based on their gender and just think of them as what they are - humans with unique personalities.

  • Men and women are people, and anyone who isn't normally a douchebag will listen to what you say if it's relevant to the conversation.

  • People in games aren't always nasty to girls. I talk over mic often (feminine voice) and have a feminine nick, and rarely get shit for anything. Some guys will get super friendly with you (because OMG TEH GURLS!) but generally if anyone acts like an idiot they just get muted or told to stop being an idiot.

  • Not every single guy will try to fuck you. If all your friends are actively trying to have sex with you, get new friends. Personally, about half my friends are guys and half girls, many of whom are bi or lesbian and rarely feel like they're anything but friends.

  • If you like makeup by all means wear it (though too much does look cheesy). If you don't like makeup, don't wear it - or use natural tones if you want something minimal. Similarly, if you like skirts and frills wear them, and if you prefer pants go to it. Generally as long as you look confident in whatever you're in people won't care. Following that, voice and face tend to be the biggest factors. Not every woman wears frills with heavy makeup and pink slippers - regardless of whether they're trans or cis.

  • lgbt pride is awesome and all, but if you wear rainbows 24/7 people will wonder what's up. Small tokens go by unnoticed - I keep a small ribbon sewn to my bag.

  • Confidence, confidence, confidence! Experiment with everything and find what you like. The more comfortable with what you're wearing, the easier it is to be confident.

  • Huge breasts aren't a requirement or necessary by any means, though it helps a lot to have some visible mass underneath your jacket. If you're on hrt, great! If you are confident and don't act like you're hiding something, people won't bat an eye. If they do and they see breast tissue, they will usually just categorize you under "female" and move on with their lives. People don't generally spend too much time thinking about others' genders past presentation.

/r/asktransgender Thread