Much harder now to get over 10k in FFA?

Honestly you're changing too much the game because you're not understanding that the FFA mode also can form teams, the party mode problem is that it has few people to play and its made only for teams and that generates little competition int the field compared to other players who just by generating a monopoly, it is simple as you in economics, if you're young exceptions to starting to generate more injustice for all, such as partnering is beneficial for everyone because some grow faster and there are more teams there will be sufficient competition to grow and generating more groups slowly than just a little group because they are friends and they play always in same place, where if something more spontaneous generates more healthful errors and oportunities all and possibly more groups besides a dominating and even teams with several members that knowing it is a more difficult game teams become a much longer time instead of immediately team up as in the party mode and immediately lose all and form increasingly monopolies the game and lose all the funny!

Before the game was a game that could be played for those who want to play as a team and who does not want and not be forcing a play or a team or alone as modes, and this change the essence of the game!

I hope you see that is destroying a perfect game! Do not pay any attention to those who criticize teams for I am sure that's part of the game and gives more desire to reach the top 10 and play and improve every day!

I hope you understand that the game is full of rules that they dont make any sense, because one thing its rules to make helthy competition another is make rules to ban the competition that its what you are making.

/r/Agario Thread Parent