Mueller report: House to hold Attorney General Barr contempt vote next week — Mr Barr has refused to provide the House with fully un-redacted Mueller report and its underlying evidence

I am of the vide that while a US AG could be (in theory) put into that position without a license, they would not be able to legally perform their duties without one.

an AG is not a political post, and every state i am aware of has it as a legal requirement they have a active license in their state. The position of US AG predates largely predates modern licensing so it isnr directly codified like it is at the state level, but i still dont believe they could legally do their job if they werent a lawyee.

If you are arguing that in theory norms and the law could be violated in this way, okay, but I don’t think that’s ever happened and I believe it would both be illegal and impractical.

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