Muhammad had intercourse with one of his sex slaves, two of his wives told him it wasn't allowed for him to do such, so he conveniently "revealed" a new verse from Allah stating that what he was doing was allowed and that he shouldn’t listen to his wives.

I don't understand what you are even trying to say. You are using other peoples actions to try to justify your so called infallible messenger of God and the amazing prophet for keeping sex slaves. This is just sad and I think you are way too far down the path of brainwashing to understand. Anyways, I know what you're thinking and you feel like you're right no matter what because of what "God" said. Just stop trying to argue with me because you clearly are too biased, do your own research on the matter. When I was a muslim I would hate any attempt a kaffir would and not listen do but when I did the research myself it mad more sense. So just please do that instead if you really care about this, here's a good place to start. And I am from the United States attending the flagship university of my state with a perfect grade point average so I consider myself an educated person, thanks for asking.

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