Multiple programmers found with severe burns at r/ProgrammerHumor

Your one experience doesn't change the fact that I live in a country that constantly gets new american tourists that act incredibly rude, almost disrespecting the culture. In asia especially since things are so different compared to a country like Switzerland where the customs are similar (I am assuming because its another western country). But here a lot of things are a big no no and its almost always Americans that have the hardest time grasping that. There is almost never a problem with other Europeans or people from any other country.

I am sorry if this comes of as rude and insensitive, but whenever an American comes over, they almost always acts like they own the place. They are super arrogant, egotistical and narcissistic. Just take a look at this post, Americans always think that everything is for them or that the world revolves around them. News flash guys, it doesn't.

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