Multiple rockets hit Taji base in Iraq

I’m the west is the best tired of your damn (?) and your Captain Ahab horseshit. You sound like like a goddamn parody. Giving and nagging orders like a spinster school-all of it! And if I hear one more word of horseshit coming out of your foul, rotten toothed, smelly old mouth... Shut it! I ain’t finished yet! You think you’re so goddamn high and mighty burn islam because you’re a goddamn lighthouse keeper? Well you Donald Trump ain’t a captain of no ship and you never was! You ain’t no general, you ain’t no copper, you ain’t the president, ain’t my father! And I’m sick of you acting like you is. Sick 2020 of your laugh, snoring,!! You smell like piss. You smell like jissom, like rotten dick. Like curdled foreskin. Like hot onions fucked a farmyard shithouse. I’m sick of your smelliest west is the best, I’m sick of it, I’m sick of it you goddamned drunk, you goddamned no account son of a bitch bastard liar! That’s what you are! You’re a goddamned drunkard, horseshitting, short, shit liar! A liar! Only spend time trying to convince us coffees

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