Murdered so bad it didn't even air

I'll also say that I'm struggling with people being "kind" when they end up voting for things that hurt me and my family. I know everyone has reasons for feeling the way they do, but unless we vote for people who care about climate change, I won't have a world to raise my son or daughter in. If we don't vote for someone who allows the disabled to live within that society (even just those who deal with things that make work more difficult) those people will be destitute.

For example, I had to fight my own brain to get through college. I've got something where noises aren't processed correctly in my brain, so being in many environments can scare the shit out of me. It's a visceral feeling of something stalking me and it's rare as hell, but I have to keep that in mind for looking for work.

I can't just "pick myself up by my bootstraps" like many people would have me do, I have to keep in mind how I'll function, how people will perceive me, what impact that will have on my work and how I'll get through the next day.

And I absolutely know that if Republicans win re-election, the type of programs that will be able to help me if anything happens and I can't work will be stripped down.

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