*Muscles not included

Nah, we did the same in scouts when I was a kid. I was at the tail-end of THE COMMIES GONNA COME GETCHU. We had nuke drills in school and everything (Austin was one of the main targets from Cuba, oddly). I wasn't in the military though.

His scoutmaster would absolutely love a bicep knife, but his arms are probably too fatty to support the straps or whatever. He's basically an Eagle Scout that never played sports or joined up, so he pushes insane scouting shit on the kids. But because he's legit BSA trained in everything, it ends up being totally shitty because he's so by the book with everything. Like, "NO WE CAN'T SWIM because we need 5 BSA certified lifeguards!" even when me and four other dads work in the ER or are firefighters. But we aren't BSA certified, just literally everything else in the real world certified.

"Sorry kids, we can't swim today. Your parents didn't get certified in time."

He pushes the BSA BS way too hard. It's frustrating, and me and my kid are about to quit until he's old enough for real Scouts (and a new leader).

/r/mallninjashit Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it