[Music] Hair - The Flesh Failures (Let The Sunshine In)

For the benefit of those on mobile, here are the previous 2 paragraphs I found poignant:

"The show's finale, "The Flesh Failures," summarizes the themes of the show, particularly the insanity of war and our consumerist culture, our collective obsession with comfort even while people are being murdered in Southeast Asia. We pass each other on the street, bundled up in our designer clothes, created and purchased specifically to display our level of wealth and success, too busy to stop and connect with each other, too busy to help the homeless lying on the street, too preoccupied with our superficial lives, our appointments, our scramble to accumulate possessions ...

The song tells us that somewhere inside, buried beneath all this, hidden deep down, there is greatness in the human race, that we have great potential, but that so far we have failed. We have failed by succumbing to comfort, to the demands of the flesh, instead of aiming for something higher. Claude comes forward, now dead, killed in Vietnam, invisible to the tribe—just as returning Vietnam vets were "invisible" in American culture—and as he reprises his theme song, "Manchester, England," the tribe sings in counterpoint "Eyes Look Your Last," a musical setting of a speech from Romeo and Juliet. The words are Romeo's, after he finds Juliet's (apparently) dead body, and just before he takes his own life. The last line of this section, "the rest is silence," is Hamlet's last line before dying at the end of Hamlet. We are killing ourselves, the tribe is telling us. After another verse of "The Flesh Failures", the show finishes with the iconic "Let the Sun Shine In"."

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