Musk didn't create PayPal. Didn't Found Tesla. SpaceX isn't really cheaper (And tax payer funded). Hyperloop isn't a thing. But apart from that, good meme guys.

Hey I was about to mention that. I mean there are some really interesting folks out there that they can look up to. One name that suddenly pops out to me, is of Terence Tao. Though the guy was extraordinary from the very young age, he makes math more approachable. He tries to break that mysterious genius or math gene stereotype. I guess many academicians do, but you know people like to believe that there's some sort of inherent intellectuality which they don't have.

I mean, it's specific with Americans that you see in their world view this idea of inherent genius, where when someone achieves something, it's not the training, work or dedication or genuine interest, but innate genius. Not all, but a large chunk of American public have this world view. Or maybe, the idea of giftedness is taken too seriously than anywhere else.

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