Muslims on /r/Islam against Progressive Islam

Check out this comment by this Muslim apologist...

"Most of these movements arise out of a complete misunderstanding of hadd punishments under Islam and how they are meant to be used"

Or perhaps such movements arise, from such Muslims utilizing their innate human empathy and critical thinking faculties, when observing 7th century Arab superstition and its relevancy to the modern world.

"All Muslims know and understand that stoning, hand-chopping, etc are horrifying and brutal punishments" Such cruel and unusual punishments have been discussed over the years and luckily prohibited by the UN conventions against torture and the human rights doctrine. Moreover I guess many empathetic and rational Muslims, are starting to realize the nonsensical and inhumane nature of the hadd punishments, such as stoning/flogging adulterers and amputation of thieves hands

.that's why they're there."

There for what? To Prevent 'crimes'? Self proclaimed Islamic states exist in this world, each with their own subjective 'true' interpretation of Islam/Sharia, all still featuring crime and executions i.e. Saudi Arabia, Iran, ISIS etc.

Moreover European countries have achieved a much more safer society, with high levels of happiness reported and low rates of criminal activity (than Muslim majority countries) all without ever having to utilize cruel and unusual punishments.

"On the other hand, under proper Islamic law, these punishments will never see the light of day. We don't want people to be stoned."

But it sure does seem to occur throughout history in sharia inspired states. And it very much clearly seems like sadistic Allah and Muhammad seek for the stoning of those who've conducted consensual adult sex (Islamic law permits it).

/r/exmuslim Thread