I must be missing something?

I can agree with most of what you said here. Save for the quests because I actually found them quite interesting along with the general lore of the game (especially the holy mission quests) compared to most triple A RPGs that have came out in recent. I love the game and it's probably my favorite of 2019 but it's definitely an acquired taste and you have to be okay with the objectively shitty and dated combat as well as a few other things (especially on ps4). I'd say if you like old clunky/weird RPGs a lot, like dragons dogma or oblivion or morrowind then you'll probably be into it but otherwise I wouldn't go for it. Although it does make me a bit sad because if the game had a team bigger than 10 people and an actual budget to create a fun combat system it would probably be one of my favorite games of all time.

/r/outwardgame Thread